Saturday, March 17, 2012

Five Member Commission Information.

The Otero County web site now has the proposed redistricting options listed on their web site.

A public hearing is scheduled on Monday, March 19th at 10:00 AM in the Commission chambers.

Concept "B" and "D" are both 5 member districts. 
In looking over the posted information I am in favor of concept "D"  This plan guarantees that the citizens of the mountain areas of the county will always have at least one representative on the Commission. It also presents the possibility of a second Commissioner from the mountain areas that would also cover a small portion of Alamogordo and some of the rural areas South of Alamogordo.
This plan would provide for a more fair and balanced representation of the entire county.
Similar to the School Board however, every Commissioner should represent the entire county.

In spite of the fact that redistricting was not an item listed on the agenda for the March, 15th meeting of the County Commission, it was a topic of discussion. Commissioner Rardin stated that he would vote "no" to any proposal of a five member Commission.

I believe that holding a public hearing on an important topic at 10:00 AM on a Monday is far from being open and transparent and does not encourage or even allow for public input!
So, if you can't attend the hearing in person I would encourage you to contact Commissioner Herrell at 575-430-7186 and/or Commissioner Flores at 575-415-5319 or e-mail them (link to e-mail on Commissioners home page) and let them know your thoughts on this subject.
While Commissioner Rardin has alread stated his vote, you may also contact him at 575-415-7062
You can also contact the Commission Liasion, Rod Mayton, at 575-439-2602

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